Boxed Physics

Boxed Physics is an extension for Scratch 3 that allows you to add 2D physics simulations to your Scratch projects.
This documentation will guide you through the process of using Boxed Physics.

Startup & world options

When using the Boxed Physics extension, you always need to initialise the environment when starting the project. to do this, you can use the Init World, scale 1m: [SCALE] gravity: [GRAVITY] scene: [SCENE] block.

Init World, scale 1m: [50] gravity: [-10] scene: [boxed stage] :: #2cb0c0

Scene is the type of containment to keep objects within the stage:

You can move forward in time using the step simulation block. Run this in a loop to keep the physics going.

Step Simulation :: #2cb0c0

This next block lets you set the physics options. You usually won't need to use this block.

Set physics Position Iterations: (10) Velocity Iterations: (10) Continuous Physics: <true :: #5EC15D> Warm Starting: <true :: #5EC15D> :: #2cb0c0

You can also set the speed of the world with the set slow motion block.

Set slow motion to (30) :: #2cb0c0

You can also get the slow motion value with the get slow motion block.

(Slow motion :: #2cb0c0)

Making objects

Making objects requires that you define an object first, so running this does nothing on its own.

Create Body [box] at x: (0) y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0

Define an object type first, then the object itself. Now, you can place it in the world.

You can do the steps in any order, just Create the object body last.

when green flag clicked Dеfine Type [Dynamic v] Density (1) Friction (0.5) Bounce (0.2) :: #2cb0c0 Dеfine Polygon, points: [0 50 40 -50 -40 -50] :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [box] at x: (0)y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0

Defining types

Types allow you to make objects with spesific properties.

Dеfine Type [Dynamic v] Density (1) Friction (0.5) Bounce (0.2) :: #2cb0c0

Making a box

Making a box is simple, just define the box, then create the body.

Dеfine Box, width: (100) height: (100) :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [box] at x: (0) y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0

Making a circle

Making a circle is just as simple, Use the code from the box, and replace it with the circle making block.

Dеfine Circle, redius: (100) :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [box] at x: (0) y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0

Making pollygons

Thare are two ways of making a pollygon object. You can eather use the Define pollygon as this costume block, or the Define Polygon, points: [POINTS] block.

Define pollygon as this costume lets you use the costume of a sprite to make a pollygon, while
Define Polygon, points: [POINTS] lets you defide a pollygon manually.

Dеfine pollygon as this costume :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [box] at x: (0) y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0
Dеfine Polygon, points: [0 50 40 -50 -40 -50] :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [box] at x: (0) y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0

Every point in a pollygon is seperated by 3 spaces. Every point has only one space from x to y.

Destroying objects

You can destroy an object by simply providing its name into the destroy block.

Destroy object [Object] :: #2cb0c0

Updating collision

You can make objects not collide with eachother using collision groups.

The objects in here will be in their own no-collide group, and will collide with everything else.

Disable collision between [Object1 Object2] :: #2cb0c0 // this will take the object out of any existing no-collide groups

You can also remove no-collide tags from objects

Reset collision of objects [Object1 Object2] :: #2cb0c0


You can set the damping or the rotational damping of an object.

Set [damping v] of object [Object] to (0.1) :: #2cb0c0

Moving objects

Thare are a two ways to move your objects. you can push them, or you can set their movement directly.

You can push your objects using inpulses, or World Impulses.

Apply [Impulse v] to object [Object] at x: (0) y: (0) power: (500) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0 Apply Angular Impulse to object [Object] power: (-70) :: #2cb0c0

You can also set the velocity of an object directly, or remove it entirely.

Set Velocity of [Object] to x (-2) y (5) dir (-10) :: #2cb0c0
Clear velocity of object [Object] :: #2cb0c0

While I'm at it, I might as well mention these blocks

Move object [Object] to x (0) y (0) :: #2cb0c0
Set rotation of object [Object] to (90) :: #2cb0c0

Object attributes

You can get the attributes of any object using the (get [thing] from [object]) block.

(Get [Direction v] from [Object] :: #2cb0c0)

You can get the following from an object:

You can also get the object at any position with this:

Get object at x: (0) y: (0) :: #2cb0c0

Making joints

Joints are another thing built into Boxed Physics. Just like objects, they need to be defined before you can place them.

Create Joint [Joint] of type [Rotating v] between [Object1] at (0) (0) and [Object2] at (0) (0) :: #2cb0c0

Thare are Rotating, Spring, Weld, Slider, and Mouse jonts built into Boxed Physics, but more are on the way.

Thare are only two joints that need extra info to define them, being springs and sliders.

Making a spring

Springs are made of three values: Length, Damping, and Frequency.

Dеfine Spring, Length: (100) Damping: (0.7) Freq: (5) :: #2cb0c0

Making a slider

Sliders are another type of joint is a slider joint. Sliders are made with a direction, lower stop, and an upper stop.

Dеfine Slider, Angle: (90) Lower stop: (-100) Upper stop: (100) :: #2cb0c0

Editing joints

You can edit joints using the Set [attr] of [joint] block to set attributes of joints.

Set [Max Torque v] of joint [Joint] to (0) :: #2cb0c0

You can set the following:

Getting joint attributes is just as easy.

Get [Motor Speed v] of joint: [Joint] :: #2cb0c0

You can also delete joints.

Destroy Joint [Joint] :: #2cb0c0

If you made a mouse joint, you can edit the target position with this block.

Set Mouse Joint Target [Joint] to x: (0) y: (0) :: #2cb0c0

Example code

when green flag clicked Init World, scale 1m: [50] gravity: [-10] scene: [boxed stage] :: #2cb0c0 Dеfine Type [Dynamic v] Density (1) Friction (0.5) Bounce (0.2) :: #2cb0c0 Dеfine Polygon, points: [0 50 40 -50 -40 -50] :: #2cb0c0 Create Body [tri] at x: (0)y: (0) dir: (90) :: #2cb0c0 Set Velocity of [tri] to x (-2) y (5) dir (-10) :: #2cb0c0 forever step simulation :: #2cb0c0 go to x: (Get [x v] from [tri] :: #2cb0c0) y: (Get [y v] from [tri] :: #2cb0c0) point in direction (Get [Direction v] from [tri] :: #2cb0c0) end