Extra Control

This Extensions provides you with numerous new Control Blocks for controlling scripts, sprites, clones, and more!

Hat/Event Control

force hat (when I start as clone v) to [restart v] on activate :: control force hat (when I start as clone v) to [finish v] on activate :: control

This Block allows you to control whether Selected Hat/Event Blocks should (if already running) restart the script or wait for it to finish before running again.

reset forced hats ::control

This Block Resets all modified Hats/Events from the previous Block


bind key (up arrow v) to (space v) ::control

This Block will Bind the first selected Key to the Second.
In this example, after running the Block, when 'Space' is pressed, Both Event Blocks will Run:

when [space v] key pressed // Up Arrow is Binded to this Key when [up arrow v] key pressed // When Space is Pressed, this will Run Too

(binds of (space v) key ::control)

This Block Returns an Array of all Keys Binded to the Selected Key

unbind all keybinds of (space v) ::control

This Block Resets the Keybinds of the Selected Key

reset keybinds ::control

This Block Resets all Keybinds

Basic Control Blocks

(loop index ::control)

This Block returns the amount of Times it is Looped Through in a Script, For Example:

repeat(5) { add (loop index ::control) to [my list v] }@loopArrow ::control // The List will have the items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 repeat until <key (space v) pressed? > { set [my variable v] to (loop index ::control) ... }@loopArrow ::control // The Variable will be Set to the Amount of Times the Loop Repeats Before "space" is Pressed

repeat (10) or until <> { } ::control

This Block will Run the Inner Code "x" amount of Times OR until a Condition is true

repeat for (1) secs or until <> { } ::control

Similarly, this Block will Run the Inner Code for "x" Seconds OR until a Condition is true

if <> start loop { } repeat until <>::control

This Block will Run the Inner Code in a Loop if a Condition is true
The Loop will stop when a Second Condition is false

run next cycle      @loopArrow ::control cap

This Block will Move to the Next Iteration (top of the loop script) in the Loop it is in.

break out loop @turnRight ::control cap

This Block will Break Out of the Loop it is in.

wait until (...:: #EC9C13) changes ::control

This Block will wait until the inputted Block changes its Value

run @greenFlag and continue ::control

This Block will Run the Green Flag (Restarting the Project) and will continue the Script

simultaneously run { } { } ::control

This Block will Run Both Inner Scripts Simultaneously

if <> then { } while running { } then { } @loopArrow::control

If the condition is true, this Block will Run the First Inner Script, while it Runs, the Second Inner Script will also Run.
Once both Scripts Finish, the Third Inner Script will Run.

run (forward v) { } ::control run (reversed v) { } ::control run (forward and reversed v) { } ::control run (randomized v) { } ::control

This Block will Run its Inner Script either:

Advanced Control Blocks

try{ }catch{ }:: control

This Block will Run the Blocks in the "try" Branch. If it encounters any Errors, it will Stop it and Run the "catch" Branch instead.
This Block also has a intended functionality of Running the "catch" Branch when an Error is encountered in another try catch Block
(so long as both are Active)

🕒 async { } ::control

This Block will Each Inner Block Individually and will wait for Each to Completely Finish

new thread with (data ::control) [123] { } @loopArrow ::control

This Block Run the Inner Script in a new Thread without Waiting for it to Finish

The "argument" input acts as Temporary Data (variable for example) that is only accessible to the new Thread

step through blocks while <> { } ::control

This Block Functions Similarly to:

if <> then { } ::control

The key difference is that once the Condition becomes false, the Block will stop Running and move onto the Next

if <> { } my ID [my-block1] ::control else { } my ID [my-block1] ::control

These Blocks are essentially "if else" Blocks but with a Twist...
First, assign these Blocks a Custom ID, whatever you want it to be (Fun Fact: Multiple "if" & "else" Blocks can use the Same ID)

Now that the ID is setup, lets see how the Block works:

If the Condition is true, it will Run the Inner Script inside the "if" Block.
If the Condition is false, the "else" Block will Run the Inner Script whenever a Script Reaches The Block

Additionally, you are allowed to put these Blocks in different Scripts, so long as they use the same ID and the Scripts are Active it will run.

Important: These do NOT start new Threads.
Important: The "else" Block will NEVER run until an "if" Block with the same ID is ran.

<if with ID [my-block1] true? ::control>

Additionally, this block simply reports wether the Condition in the "if/else" Block with the same ID was true/false

Inline Message Blocks

on call [message 1] run { } ::control call [message 1] to run ::control call [message 1] to run and wait ::control

These Blocks work in the same way as "messages", the Key Differences are that these Blocks can be placed Inside Scripts/By Itself and there is no menu

Thread Functions

define thread func [my-function] (data ::control) { return [value] ::control cap }::control run func [my-function] with data [123]::control (run func [my-function] with data [123]::control)

These Blocks work in a similar way as "Custom Blocks", the Key Difference is that the "run func" Blocks only work in the thread the function is defined in

Sprite and Clone Control Blocks

as (Stage v) do { } and (wait v) :: control

This Block Runs the Inner Script in a Selected Sprite
You can Choose whether to wait or dont wait for the Script to Finish

(get (...:: #EC9C13) from (Stage v) :: control)

This Block returns the Value of the Inputted Block (Reporter/Boolean) from the Selected Sprite

as clones of (myself v) with [private variable] set to [value] { } :: control

This Block Runs the Inner Script in a Selected Clone of a Sprite.
Private Variable Refers to Variables set to "for this sprite only"

(get (...:: #EC9C13) from clone (1) of (myself v) with [private variable] set to [0] :: control)

This Block returns the Value of the Inputted Block (Reporter/Boolean) from the Selected Clone of a Sprite
Private Variable Refers to Variables set to "for this sprite only"

delete this clone and tell main sprite { } @loopArrow :: control cap

This Block will Delete the Clone it is Running in and will make the Main Sprite to run the Inner Script